ECM, EDM, BPM, RPA and paperless processes
Enterprise Content Management (ECM) uses unstructured data in electronic form (letters, contracts, invoices, emails, miscellaneous electronic documents, photos, videos, etc.), as opposed to information stored in databases. ECM also includes Electronic Document Management (EDM) applications: acquisition, classification, storage, archiving and distribution of scanned documents.
Business process management, whatever the technology or approach used (“Business Process Management” - BPM or “Advanced Case Management”-ACM), aims to map, model and optimize the various processes of a company. Initially limited to back office operations, these solutions are increasingly used in the front and middle offices. This movement is becoming more pronounced as companies increasingly operate in “multi” or “omni” channel mode. BPM exchanges information with operational applications (ERP, etc.) and often uses Enterprise Service Buses (ESB).
ECM and BPM come together when the business processes concern the processing of files (claims, subscriptions, etc.). Both types of applications manage and circulate documents.
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) refers to the automation of routine tasks, through the integration of software robots, called “virtual assistants”, which perform operations without human intervention, often through the simulation of keyboard exchanges (transaction entry, management of automated assistants, etc.).
ECM, BPM and RPA are components of an approach called “Smart Automation” or the intelligent automation of business processes. These applications represent a significant market segment, in the same way as, for example, ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), CRM (Customer Relationship Management) or SCM (Supply Chain Management).
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