Corporate responsibility
Since its inception in 1985, NEURONES has endeavored to pursue responsible and sustainable development within its environment. This is one of the company's key commitments.
Regarding its No.1 asset, human resourcesRight from the outset, the Group established an ambitious and innovative Human Resources policy that fosters diversity: 74 nationalities represented, a variety of academic backgrounds, onboarding of beginners, as well as seasoned or senior professionals, 450 apprentices, interns and professionalization contracts in 2024, 94% of open-ended contracts...
Numerous job creations:- net job creation each year, including in 2024 (+ 276 with constant structures), in addition to the jobs created at subcontractors;
- company growth and acquisitions are handled without ever using layoff plans,
- an IT retraining program helps young graduates to find a job.
Longstanding capital sharing scheme:
- association of over 200 business leaders, senior executives and managers within the capital of the companies they develop,
- distribution of bonus-shares to the most commited employees,
- new key executives are regularly given the opportunity to acquire stakes in their companies and/or the Group.
Ongoing career management:
- lateral moves encouraged between different business lines and different functions, preference for internal promotion (especially for managerial and executive positions),
- annual performance reviews and interviews every few years are standard practice.
Long-term training policy:
- sustained actions (technical improvement, retraining programs, management, etc.),
- training plans easier to carry out, thanks to the Group’s own training centers,
- employees encouraged to obtain qualifying certifications (editors, new technologies, etc.).
Motivating working environment:
- a managerial environment that empowers people and lets them build their own future,
- permanent adaptation of the premises, of their layout and decoration,
- shareholder structure that protects the Group from decisions made by uninvolved shareholders.
In addition, the Group promotes diversity, gender equality and strives to be disability-friendly. It has implemented the corruption prevention mechanism provided for in the Sapin II Law.
Regarding its ClientsService lines are continuously improved in all activities in an effort to constantly adapt solutions to decision-makers’ needs.
Industrialized and pooled services:
- in 2024, € 11.8m of industrial investments were channeled primarily into the service centers (expansion in France and abroad) and the cloud computing line of services (hardware and software, and reserved areas with third-party hosters).
Active quality development:
- SecNumCloud certification for one subsidiary specialized in cloud computing.
- three entities are Health Data Hosting (HDH) certified,
- the three companies in the Infrastructures segment with their own managed services centers and regular ISAE 34-02 audits are ISO 27001 certified,
- the three main companies in the Infrastructures business are ISO 9001 certified,
Constant tailoring to needs:
- the creation of specialized companies and mergers with fellow companies with complementary areas of expertise are continually enhancing the quality of the services and expanding the scope of expertise.
Regarding its subcontractors- the company includes CSR criteria in the evaluation of its main subcontractors,
- employees of companies employing disabled people in protected and special facilities are integrated into the Group's teams on recurring contracts via temporary business groups (TBG).
Regarding Markets ands ShareholdersProfit reinvestment:
- for a very long time, all earnings were reinvested (when the company was not listed). Today, earnings are lagerly set aside to give the Group the means to achieve its ambitions, regardless of the situation in the financial markets, the economic climate or credit conditions.
Regular, transparent communications:
- the annual and half-yearly results (audited) are published within ten weeks of the fiscal year end. The (unaudited) results are published every quarter. The Group has also issued a twice-yearly Shareholders’ Newsletter since 2000.
Proven resistance to cyclical uncertainties:
- the diversified business portfolio and the recurrent nature of certain core businesses have allowed the company to come through the years of market contraction without too great an impact on profitability and without having to resort to staff cuts.
Regarding the environmentGiven the nature of its core businesses, NEURONES’ environmental footprint is only marginal. However, the Group:
- calculates its carbon footprint,
- ensures that it uses data centers with good energy performance (low PUE),
- has installed low-energy systems (lighting, HVAC, etc.),
- systematically recycles consumables (printer toners, electric batteries, etc.),
- recruits, as far as possible, in labor market areas close to its service centers to limit daily commutes,
- encourages the use of video-conferencing ans facilitates teleworking.
net jobs created in 2024
(with constant structures)
of the profits of the last 10 years set aside to finance future developments
nationalities represented among employees